More than Two Wheels…
Bicycles play an important role in promoting economic development, providing access to healthcare and education, and safety.
Upcoming Events
McLean Community Center
1234 Ingleside Ave
McLean, VA 22101 - 9:00am to 12pm
Washington Liberty
1301 N. Stafford St.
Arlington, VA 22201
- 10:00am to 2pm
Kenmore Middle School
200 South Carlin Springs Road
Arlington, VA 22204
- 10:00am to 2pm
200 South Kensington *Exact location TBD
- 10:00am to 3pm
What We Focus On
Women & Youth
Throughout developing countries, women and girls face cultural obstacles that limit their access to quality education, well-paid employment, quality reproductive healthcare, and property rights. Empowering women and girls with bicycles unlocks their potential and provides: more time and energy to focus on educational pursuits, more safety and confidence en route to schools and clinics, greater earning potential and improved standing in the household.
Building Ties
Wheels to Africa makes an effort to build ties with people all over the world. WTA receives invaluable support all over the United States with bicycle donation drives extending from Washington, D.C. all the way to California. These drives provide international support reaching communities in a variety of African countries such as Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya.
Lasting Impact
In Africa, a bike is often the only means to access food, water, markets, education, medical services, jobs and more. Wheels to Africa has motivated others to organize annual bike drives across three states. So far, WTA has collected over 7,000 bikes! This has a huge impact on hundreds of families in Africa.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
About Us
Wheels to Africa was founded in 2005 by an 11- year-old Arlington County boy named Winston Duncan. Since 2005, there have been 32 bike collections and over 15,000 bikes collected and donated to needy communities across the globe. The December 2008 collection set a record – 1,000 bikes in 1 day. The community and individual support received by Wheels to Africa has propelled the organization to expand its reach to enlist more communities to donate bikes and provide financial support.
Our Numbers
Years of Service
Bike Donated
People Impacted